"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Too much excitement

The kids and I went to downtown Newburyport today to get Jillian’s glasses fixed (again) at the optical shop.  She only has one set of frames, so when we need to get the lenses replaced, we have to drop the frames off at the shop and then find something to do for about 45 minutes while Tom cuts and fits the lenses into the frame. 

If you’ve ever been to Newburyport, you’ll appreciate that there are plenty of cool little shops to poke around in,  one of our favorites being a cute little toy store named “The Dragon’s Nest,” coffee shops, candy stores, ice cream parlors and even a small playground, so we always enjoy taking a trip in and make an afternoon out of it.

Today we made the usual visit into The Dragon’s Nest, where Matt found Coconut’s Long Lost Brother, Tangerine, and Jillian found Max and Ruby stuffed animals.  How could I deny them?


After we left the toy store, new friends in tow, we hit the playground and then walked over to Starbucks for a coffee (for me), and chocolate milk, cookies and a much needed potty break (for the kids).  Enough time had passed by then for Jill’s glasses to be fixed, so we left Starbucks and crossed the street to head into Market Square Optical.  But as soon as we were across the street, Jill yelled, “Oh no!! Max!!”  and I turned and saw poor Max sitting in the middle of the busy street, cars and trucks driving, quite oblivious to our plight, right over Max’s head.  What to do??  

Luckily for us, there was a police cruiser parked on the side of the road and he saw the look of panic on our faces and took pity.  He got out of the car, proceeded to stop traffic, and rescued the poor frightened stuffed-bunny out of harm’s way.

Matt and Jill both thanked “That Nice Policeman” profusely and enthusiastically.  He was much amused.

As an aside, I think Matt continued to ponder the fragility and fleetingness of life long after we returned home this afternoon, because out of the blue, he came up to me and said,

“Mumma, you’ll protect Jillian after I die, right?”

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