How many times do we have to go through this before Mark and I learn our lesson?? You just CANNOT be figurative with a toddler. They take everything literally. Everything.
Matt must have had a bad dream the other night because last night he pitched a royal fit before bed saying that he didn't want to go to bed because he didn't want to have bad dreams. Mark and I sat on his bed for about 15 minutes, trying to convince him that he wouldn't have any bad dreams and that they were all gone. 'Course, Matt's at that age where everything is a question prefaced with, "But... why {insert here}??" There comes a time of desperation, though, where you just grasp at straws and say just about *anything* to get your kid to stop asking questions, simply because you've run out of good answers. So when he said, "But where are all the bad dreams?" Mark answered, "They're all in your head Matt." Now, to you or I, that is a very benign statement, meaning that the bad dreams are just your imagination run away from you.
To a three year old, however, the thought of having nightmares living inside your head is a terrifying prospect, to say the least. It took a good hour after that convincing the poor kid that there were no bad dreams living in his head and that he could safely go to sleep.
{{sigh}} The things they never teach you in parenting class.
In other news, Matt has three new phrases...
"Wicked cool."
"Wicked awesome."
"It's freaking hot out here."
Yeah. That last one earned him a talking to about not-so-nice words. But I still had a private chuckle over it.
And a cute thing that Jill did last week.... Mark was chasing her around the house playing tickle monster, when all of a sudden she stopped and said, "WAIT DADDY!" Moved her doll carriage aside, which was in Mark's path, and said, "Be careful honey!"
A few months back Payton said she was afraid to close her eyes and go to sleep because didn't want to see the "bad puppies". She said that when she closes her eyes she can see the bad puppies "right here", pointing between her eyes. We told here the bad puppies won't come back. We haven't heard of them since.
Oh yeah, I think we told her that one of the (many) stuffed animals she sleeps with would scare away the bad puppies.
Get some Febreeze and spray it around in his room and tell him it's the "bad dream repellant"
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