"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Snaggle Tooth

Jillian is cutting teeth out of order!! She cut the first two bottom central incisors first, about 2 months ago... then she started getting really fussy about a week after Easter, so I kept looking and looking expecting the top two central incisors. Well, about a week after that, I noticed that instead, her top right lateral incisor was popping through! (see the chart below).It's so adorable!! She looks so goofy with that one little off-center tooth poking through. Here's a picture (sorry it's not that great... it's hard to get a 9 month old to stay still long enough to take a picture of her teeth):
Right after that popped through, I noticed a white "dot" on the other side, and a couple of days after that, two more white "dots" appeared where her front teeth will be... so essentially she's cutting four teeth at the same time right now. :( Poor baby.

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