"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Just a little more of an update on the kiddos:

Jillian takes about 4 oz of formula (Alimentum) every 3 hours or so during the day and twice overnight. I put her to bed at 7:00 and she usually wakes up at around 1:00 and around 4-5, up for the day at 6:00. Last night, though, she only woke up once, at 4:45 AM, and slept until 8:00 AM!! Shocked

Overall, she sleeps well at night in her crib as long as she's swaddled with the Miracle Blanket. I'm still working on her taking naps in her crib during the day. Today I had a little success - she fell asleep on her own watching her mobile and stayed asleep for a 1/2 hour. She sleeps best during the day, though, in her swing. She'll sleep for 3+ hours in the afternoon in her swing, and about an hour in the morning.

She smiles, coos, and laughed for the first time last Saturday. Haven't been able to get her to do it since, though (not from lack of trying! Laughing ).

She's still pretty colicky, but slowly getting better. I keep telling her that I'll make a happy baby out of her yet!!

Matthew's favorite foods are "dickie" (chicken), "pet-too" (pretzels), "go-go" (yogurt), "bay-bay" (blueberries), "bee-dee" (banana), "oli-oli-o's" (Cheerios or any kind of cereal), "aah aah aah" (french fries - don't ask me where he came up with this - Laughing ) "coo-kee" (I trick him by calling fruit and cereal bars "cookies" Wink ), and, of course, the ever popular "keek-eeks" (pancakes). He eats most meats, as long as you tell him it's chicken, and any kind of fruit you put in front of him, plenty of grains... but the only veggies we can get into him are tomatoes, black olives, cucumbers and/or any kind of jarred baby food veggies. Guess I can't complain too much about his eating habits! His best meal (where he eats the most) is breakfast. By the time supper rolls around, he usually eats just a few bites of meat and a few bites of what ever else we offer, like noodles or bread or cut up tomato, then he wants "dow" (down). His favorite drink is definitely milk, but the kid would bend over backwards for a sip of your "caat-tee" (coffee). Shocked

His favorite past time is definitely going to Memere Janelle's house (daycare) to play with the kids. Everyday when he gets up, he goes running to the door with his shoes (still in his pj's) and says, "Beep beep?? Kids? Beep beep?"

He plays with his Thomas trains every day and will throw pieces of track on your lap - and you'd better make an elaborate track for him post haste, or else!! He also loves playing with his Matchbox cars and his Fisher Price farm.

His favorite shows are "Bob-bo" (Bob the Builder), "Tab-bay" (Thomas the Tank Engine), and... sigh... "tub-a-tub-a-tubbies" (the Teletubbies - much to my chagrin). He'll also watch Sesame Street if it's on.

He still LOVES books and his most requested bedtime stories are The Monster at the End of This Book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Snoozers, Night Night Spot, and the ever-popular Green Eggs and Ham. I read to him at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours throughout the day. As a book lover myself, how can I deny him??

His newest and cutest thing is if the baby is crying, he'll go over to her and say "Shhhh... Oh my my!!" LOLOL!! He got that from me... it's what I say to Jillian when she's really fussy. It's funny the things kids pick up, huh?

He still sleeps well at night - usually from 7:00-7:30 at night until 6:00-6:30 in the morning and takes a good long nap in the afternoon - usually from 12:00-3:30, sometimes even 4:00!!

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