"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How fast can I post...

Before either Jillian needs to eat or Matt wakes up from his nap? ;-)

Time seems to be at a premium these days! Let's see... where did I leave off? Oh, last week I brought Jillian to Dr. Harris because she had a diaper rash from those stinkin' new mesh liners in the Pampers, and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't yeast... it wasn't, thankfully, but he gave her a prescription for a cream to help it heal faster. He also noticed that her belly button wasn't healed over completely so he cauterized it with some liquid nitrogen. She didn't seem fazed by it in the least - actually slept right through it - so that's good. And she got weighed... 7 lbs, 10 oz!! Granted, she had a onesie on, but still!! That's a 9 oz. gain in 5 days! My good little eater!

All that eating, however, is causing my poor little girl to be very gassy. She has a very strong suck, and I have a forceful letdown (if you remember, I also had this problem with Matt), so between the two, she swallows too much too quick and gets a lot of air. And she doesn't seem to burp very well so all those bubbles just sit there in her poor little tummy. :( I was at my Mom's last night and her screams were breaking my parents' hearts. There were even real tears in Jillian's eyes. She literally screams after her daytime feedings anywhere from a half hour to an hour after she eats. Which makes for a very stressful day with a toddler. I've tried Mylicon drops, which seem to help a little bit... I may try to find that "gripe water" stuff that they use in Europe.

One thing that helps enormously is swaddling as tight as possible. I've even started doing that during the day. I feel bad for her all wrapped up in flannel in the middle of this heat wave, but she doesn't seem to mind. And if it makes her happy... then Mumma's happy... and you all know that if Mumma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! ;-)

Matt is so cute with her. You just have to watch him or else he'll try to feed her his snacks, or "share" his toys with her, or cover her up with her blanket (i.e. throwing it on her face). He also likes to touch her fingers, toes, nose, eyes and ears. :) This morning he was playing with his toy phone and calling Pepere, and then went over and put the phone up to Jillian's ear. LOL!

When we were at my parents' house yesterday, my mom took him in the pool and we put a life jacket on him... the kid has no fear!! Just for the heck of it, I told my mom to let go of him for a sec, and wouldn't you know it? The kid was just bobbing around in the water, happy as a clam! He's going to swim early, I think. I also think we need to sign him up for a class at the Y.

Kenny and Sue and the kids are up for the week to stay at the beach. I have some great pics of the kids holding Jillian, as well as a picture of all the cousins together:

Okay... nearly 4 hours later, I'm able to finish this post up. SOMEONE (who shall remain nameless) put an open bottle of cranberry juice on it's side in the fridge. With the cap not screwed on tight. There was cranberry juice EVERYWHERE inside the fridge, including about an inch and a half floating in the coldcuts drawer. I should have taken a picture... I had to throw out most of the food in there. All the coldcuts were ruined, the cheese was ruined, a whole package of butter, most of the veggies, some leftovers that were covered in plastic wrap... sigh... We had some cans of soda on the bottom shelf that I had to wipe down individually because they were all sticky.

Then Matt ended up waking up early from his nap. Sigh... I feel bad... I was so stressed about the fridge when I went up to get Matt, and I could hear Jillian start to cry downstairs (she was in her bouncy chair)... then Matt kept reaching down and putting his hands on his poopy butt and got poop all over his hands and even some on his face that I just flipped and kind of yelled at him (I SAID DON'T TOUCH!!!), he just looked at me and his face crumpled and he said, "Muuummm!!" Broke my heart! 'Course then I brought him down and tried to make him a sandwich and the bread was moldy (sigh), so I made him some spagettios and he snubbed his nose at them... Just one of those days!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

What is with the wanting to touch the poop in the diaper? It is just disgusting! Payton always tries for a reach. I am not sure if she is just trying to "help" or what! She swats away saying "poopie"!


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