"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Our friends Tina & Brian and Sarah & Dave inspired us to start a blog! :) We'll try to keep it up regularly and hopefully I can even strong-arm Mark into writing now and then. ;-)

This should work out well because as it is right now, I have Matt's site posted one place (which I've been horrible at keeping up ever since my hard drive crashed in January), Jillian's another (again with the horrible upkeep), then pictures and videos posted on different sites as well.

As for what's new... Matt's new words o' the week:
  1. Bucket - said just like that. LOL! Funny that he knows how to say that and still doesn't/won't say Mumma!!
  2. Apple - "Paapap" I was watching the news the other morning and a commercial came on with apples and he pointed at them and said it.
  3. Lollypop - "pop" Said this while reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the 1,000,000,000th time.
  4. Kitty/Katy - "Kiki" Katy and I think it's funny that he uses the same word for both. :)
He's so freakin' cute sometimes. :) He's been kind of cranky lately, though, probably because he's cutting all four of his canines (eye teeth) at the same time. Poor little guy. :( His appetite is suffering because of it, too. All he wants to eat is dry cereal, crackers, yogurt, bananas or any other kind of fruit, and cheese sandwiches. Good thing he's on vitamins!!

Just look at the picture (above) I took of him Thursday afternoon! He looks so grown up!! He's not a baby anymore... :(

As for the Jilly-bean... I have an appointment tomorrow with the OB. I'm going every 3 weeks now. Nuts to think that I only have 8 1/2 weeks left at this point!!! The room is painted... just waiting for Mom to come over and paint some little ladybugs and butterflys on the walls. She said she's going to take a day off one of these days and come over. I can't wait! She's so talented.

Wednesday I went to BRU and bought the crib mattress, changing table pad, 3 changing table covers (in lavendar), a lavendar hamper, some plain white crib sheets, one package of receiving blankets (with cute little purple butterflys... hehe!) and a couple of regular blankets. Now all I need is the furniture!

They were supposed to deliver said furniture on Thursday, but Wednesday afternoon I got a call from the delivery company saying that they heard about the flooding in Methuen and the delivery guy didn't want to drive here. {{rolling my eyes}}. First of all, I live right off the highway, and my neighborhood is untouched, and secondly, pretty much the only flooding in Methuen was contained to the dam on the Spickett River in the downtown area. So the lady said that she'd call me to reschedule the delivery... and do you think she did? 'Course not.

On Thursday I went through Matt's closet and drawers and took out all the gender-neutral receiving blankets, the boppy, the noggin nest, the burp cloths, extra hangers... and moved them to Jillian's room. It was so bittersweet!! I'm looking forward to having an infant again, but sad that Matt's not an infant anymore.

Okay... for someone who thought she didn't have much to say... I sure wrote a book!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yeah Kelly! You will love this! It is such a great way to keep everyone posted that you don't see every day!!!


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