"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Cuties

Ever just have one of those days where your kids say all kinds of funny and cute things, one right after another?

Today started off a little crazy... Our babysitter for the summer is on vacation and I had to drive the kiddos to my mother in law's house for the morning before work, so I was rushing around, trying to get things done and get the kids out the door.  Matt came up to me and asked me if I was in a bad mood.  I explained that I wasn't, I was just really busy.  He put his hand on my arm, looked me in the eye, and with that look he gets in his eyes that's miles beyond his years, said, "Okay, what can I do to help?"

I told him that just by him saying that I felt better.  He smiled and went downstairs to get breakfast for himself.  Five minutes later, he called to me from the foot of the stairs and said he had a surprise for me - he made me my morning coffee!  He proudly walked up the stairs, hands on a very full mug of what appeared to be very weak tea sloshing over the sides.

He said he couldn't figure out the Keurig machine so he "poked a hole in a K-cup and poured hot water over it and let it drip into a cup. Here, taste it!" He was so stinking proud, what could I do? I took a big,  luke-warm, grainy sip and proclaimed it the best coffee I had ever tasted!  Now the only problem is that he said that since I liked it so much, he'd make it for me "just like that every day from now on!"

After work, I headed to Dr. Harris' office for Jillian's 6 year old well visit.  She's holding steady at being a little peanut on the percentile charts:

At 6 years:
your child is 36 pounds, and that is
  • at the 4th percentile for weight. 
your child is 42 inches, and that is
  • at the 4th percentile for height. 


On the way home, two funny things happened - first, Matt asked me why I decided to have a boy and a girl.  I told him that I didn't decide, God chose for me! All I decided on was that I wanted two kiddos, and God chose which to give me.  Matt's next question was why I wanted kids.  Before I could answer, Jill piped up:

"So you could have people to do all your chores for you?"

Little stinker.

A couple of minutes later, I noticed someone in front of me in the left lane had a "SANTA" vanity plate, as well as a bumper sticker that said, "Attention: Naughty and Nice Inspector On Board!"  As I pulled along side of the car, I saw a man with a red baseball cap and long flowing white hair and beard driving the car! I said, "LOOK! SANTA!" and pointed out the vanity plates and the bumper sticker as additional proof.  Which lead, of course, to a long excited discussion about what Santa was doing in Massachusetts in July driving a "rusty old car" with Ohio plates.

Jill's theory cracked me up.  "I think that he's, like, shopping or something.  Because, like, there's no stores up at the North Pole, there's just, like, nothing but ice up there."

In other news, Jillian lost her first tooth on July 3rd, while we were staying at our beach cottage for the week.  She was so excited because she was one of the only kids in her class to have all her baby teeth.  The dentist pointed out about a month ago that it was a little loose, so she had been wiggling like crazy, trying to lose it before her 6th birthday.  Well, her wish came true when she bit on a Lego that morning and it got loose enough for Daddy to pull with the slightest tug!  Funny enough, Matt lost a tooth from biting a Lego, too!

Here she is, all proud and looking adorable:

I have to do some updating with pictures of Jillian's 6th birthday, her new glasses, and the rest of our summer fun we've been having... but right now I need to get to figuring out what's for supper.  :)

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