"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Friday, September 04, 2009

Jill's First Day

Yesterday was Jill's "first" day of school.  Parents were asked to stay for the hour, as well.  So I had a bit of a chance to watch Jill in action.  This girl continues to surprise me... she was amazing.  Absolutely amazing.  She joined right in, participated in all the activities, played well with the other kids, used manners... I am so proud of her.  Here are a couple of things that I want to remember about her first day.

Miss P and the class were sitting on the blue rug before the first bell of the day (for prayer and Pledge of Allegiance).  Jill was sitting right next to the teacher and Miss P was chatting with all the kids, asking their names and other little questions like that.  All of the parents were standing off to the side, taking it all in.  Jill turned to the little girl on her left and said, "Oooh, I like your shoes!" (All the parents started to giggle).  Then the little girl took some stickers out of her pocket and offered Jill one.  Jill said thanks and then turned to me across the room and said very loudly, "Hey mumma!! I made a new friend!!"

Then Miss P asked the class if anyone knew their ABC's.  She turned to Jill and said, "Jillian, do you know the ABC song?"
Jill: "Yes I do! Mumma used to sing me that song when I was a baby!"
Miss P: "Would you like to sing it with me?"
Jill: "Umm... Not right now.  Maybe later."

Everyone commented after how cute she was (of course I agree, although I may be a bit biased), and Miss P also said that she can tell that Jill is going to be a character, just like her brother.

There was a little girl there that was having a really hard time.  Miss P called Jill over at one point and told Jill that M was a little shy and then asked Jill if she'd go up to M and ask her if she'd like to play.  Jill said okay and went up to M and tried to take her hand and said, "Hi, I'm Jill, do you want to play with me?"  Later, when the kids were lined up to go home, M was standing behind Jill and Jill turned around and said, "Will you be my friend?"  M was feeling a bit shy so she shook her head no.  Jill was so confused. I explained to her that M was feeling a little shy and that's okay.  I said that I was sure her and M would be great friends this year.

I honestly don't know what I was expecting out of Jill... but I have to say that I was beaming by the end of the day.  I left there with absolutely no doubt that she's going to do amazing in school and that this is going to be a wonderful experience for her.  In fact, when she woke up this morning, she immediately asked me if she could go back to school today and was very disappointed when I told her that she doesn't go back until Wednesday.

1 comment:

HellcatJill said...

Sounds like she did great! I love the "not right now, maybe later" comment. LOL!


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