"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Monday, April 06, 2009


Things heard from the DeLuca household lately:

Me: "Matthew, throw the toilet paper in the toilet, NOT in the trash."

Jillian: "Mumma, Dora (the doll) is climbing up you because she thinks you're a mountain."

Me: "Matthew, you have to take your clothes off BEFORE you put your pajamas on."

Matt: "Mumma, I have a big fat belly. There must be a baby in there."

Matt: "Jill, I'll help you."
Jill: NO, I DO IT!"
Matt: Whatever {rolls eyes}"

{Jill gives Matt a hug} Matt: "Awww Jill, you're making me all warm."

Matt to Mark: "Daddy, did you bring home the bacon today?"
Mark: "Nope, the bacon is in the roof" (We had the roof re-done a couple of weeks ago).
Later overheard Matt telling someone that: "Our roof is made of bacon!"

Overheard at the Gym daycare - he was walking her around the room, holding her hand:
Matt: "Hi, my name is Matthew, this is my sister Jillian. She's two and a half."

{At church a couple of weeks ago} Jill: "Mumma, is that man the king?"
Me: "No, Jill, that's the priest."

Also, there are several words that Jill says that are adorable, and I have to admit that I'm going to be really sad when she learns how to pronounce them correctly:

"Snizzors" = scissors
"Babing Suit" = bathing suit
"Awfuls" = waffles
"Pliblow" = pillow

1 comment:

ham1299 said...

I absolutely love this post! Your kids are adorable!


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