"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween '08

Sorry this is a bit late, I've been working on something new for my website. Anyway, here are this year's Halloween pictures. Matt was Tow Mater from the movie Cars and Jill was Tinkerbell (definitely NOT JoJo the clown!).

The kids had a blast. Mark was going to take them down the street, as he has in the past, with neighbors of ours, Richard, Ellie, Alex and Cyan... but all of a sudden Matt kind of got a bit spooked by the whole concept and wanted me. Go figure. So I ended up taking them. They really seemed to get the concept this year and yelled with great enthusiasm, TRICK OR TWEEET!! Jill was adorable, even though her wings were too big and they kept falling off her shoulders. They made a good harness, though. However, we probably got 1/4 of the way around the block when Matt decided he'd had enough and asked to go home. Fine by me!! Richard was kind enough to put Matt up on his shoulder for the walk back - until Matt announced that he had to pee. Richard looked a bit worried and increased the pace. Matt managed to hold it, fortunately. LOL.

When we got back, it was still early enough and warm enough out that we let the kids sit on the front stoop with us and hand out candy. Matt seemed to enjoy this a lot more than actual trick or treating, and would get very upset when he saw kids (that had already come by while Matt, Jill and I were out) walk by the house. He'd run to the center of the yard and yell at the top of his lungs, "HEY!! KIDS!! WE HAVE CANDY HERE! COME AND GET SOME CANDY!"

Mark's parents came over for pizza around 6:00 and we were all still outside. Meema was holding a bag with a couple of gifts for the kids (a new train accessory for Matt and the movie Cinderella for Jill). Matt ran up to her, as though to give her a hug, Mom put her arms out... and Matt dropped several pieces of candy in her bag and ran away. LOL! He thought she had come to trick or treat at our house. You've got to admire the kid's enthusiasm.

One other cute thing before I end this post... Matt was looking at a catalog of a favorite toy that my mom has at her house for Matt to play with when he comes over. He was studying the paper, and he said to me, "Mom, Memere don't have this one." I replied, "Memere DOESN'T have that one." He looked at me like I had two heads and said, "Whatever."

1 comment:

April said...

The poor kid is still learning his words and you are already trashing on him for his slang, lol.

My dorm boys came trick-or-treating at my door at check-in on Friday night, although it would have been cuter if I could have seen my munchkins! Sooooo cute about dropping candy in Meema's bag and running like heck!


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