"Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget."— Robert Jordan

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Our Weekend...

Sunday afternoon we went to the beach for the first time this season. I swear, the beach is probably my favorite place to be. It just... soothes me. :) Matt really seemed to like it, too. Last year he was just too young... not even really crawling yet, so all we could do was plop him in the exersaucer under an umbrella, which was no fun for anyone. This year, we just lathered him up in sunscreen, took his shoes off and put him down in the sand. At first he wouldn't move from where he was standing and just looked at his toes like, "What the heck is this stuff in my toes??" But he soon got used to it and had a blast. Mark and Mark's cousin Tom were blowing him bubbles and he thought that was the coolest thing. ;-) His favorite thing, though, was running the length of the boardwalk, then running back, only slowing down to step over the gaps... verrrry carefully. LOL!! It was so freakin' cute!

He learned some new words over the weekend:
  1. Pancake: 'kee-keeke'
  2. Tractor: 'dack-da'
  3. Bulldozer: 'booo-da' (I only know this because he kept pointing at the picture in the book and that's what he says. LOL!)
  4. Plane: 'Peeeeeen!!!!' (Said with great enthusiasm and excitement! LOL!)
  5. Juice: 'Jooooo'
  6. Shoe: 'Choo' (said as he throws them on my lap as a hint that he wants to go outside.)
My mom came over to paint some ladybugs and butterflies on the walls yesterday (which looks gorgeous by the way!! She's going to finish up later this week and I'll take pictures of the finished product) and she took a look at the furniture... then we arranged it in such a way that you can't even see the damaged side of the combo table, so I decided to keep the furniture. Mark is going to fill the gouge with putty and we'll touch up that and the scratch on the armoire with some paint. Plus, I was just itching to put away the clothes and stuff that I have. I called BRU and got the 20% off. Mark said I should have tried harder for more than 20%, but I'm kind of a push-over when it comes to those things. I'm sure if I had been more of a pest about it, I could have gotten more. I should have made Mark call.

We're taking Yogi this afternoon to be put to sleep. The prednisone didn't work, although the appetite inducer pill got to her to eat a little. But she's still really bad. She hasn't cleaned herself in days, and her gums are gray. She just stays in one place for hours, and she's had several accidents because she can't make it to the litter box. And even though she's eating some, you can tell it's painful to because she chews and pieces of food just fall out of her mouth. Basically we feel that if we keep her alive now, we feel unbelievably selfish because it's becoming more and more obvious that she's suffering. It's so incredibly unfair. She should have lived to be 15. This is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done, seriously. I've lost pets before, but never one I've loved so much. Mark made pancakes for breakfast yesterday, and made some bacon and we let Yogi have as much as she wanted. :)

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